Title: ‘Set It Off’ | Spray Paint / Acrylic Exterior - 2020, Adelaide, SA To create a custom poolside feature mural can be a challenge, especially when the wall is rendered. I tend to work the artwork into [...]
Mural Outdoor Cinema Cityscape
admin2022-07-26T03:58:06+00:00Cityscape Mural X Outdoor Cinema From the open plan living step out into a unique creative mural outdoor cinema and entertainment area. Curated specifically to cater for a projector screen installed and overlay the artwork creating cohesion between installation and mural. The first of it's kind that I have ever seen. However the custom [...]
Depot Trompe L’oeil Architectural Mural
admin2022-08-25T00:44:51+00:00Depot Trompe L’oeil Architectural Mural Description The Depot, based in Ilfracombe United Kingdom, was originally a petrol station a.k.a ‘The Depot’. I drew inspiration for this large scale mural spanning the entire building from [...]
Trompe L’oeil Mediterranean Archway
admin2022-07-26T03:56:28+00:00Trompe L'oeil Mediterranean Archway A fantastic solution to a plain and boring wall for garden lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, what better way than to have a seat by the fire pit with a view.